Public speaking

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The timbre, the pose and the quality of your voice depends not only on your training but especially on your how you listen.

Public speaking

When you have difficulty speaking in public, you often think about taking a course in theatre, improvisation or voice. This is a step, but often it is not enough to get a result both on clarity of voice and self confidence. Here's why.

According to A. Tomatis, creator of the method, the voice contains only what the ear hears

When listening is disrupted, it will be impossible to use his voice as a real communication tool, for lack of mastery of its various components prosodic: intonations, inflections, rhythm, intensity. The voice will then be perceived as aggressive, cold, or devoid of any power of expression by the interlocutor who receives it.

A distorted listening can also lead to a decrease in the desire to listen, which in turn will generate a decrease in the desire to communicate. It's important to note that having good listening does not necessarily mean having good hearing. Listening is characterized by a real intention to communicate as well as the quality of perception and interpretation of the sound message received. It is evaluated by the quality of operation of our hearing, not by its level of sensitivity.

This is why the Tomatis method, working on both reception and sound transmission, offers a complete vocal audio work that effectively acts on communication.

How does it work?

The Tomatis® method for voice enhancement and self-confidence is based on two to three music listening sessions, combined with active work on the audio-voice loop. Each listening session consists of 13 days, at the rate of 2 hours of listening per day. The last session is mixed with a speech-making work, using a microphone and a specific music. These sessions are done at home, with the TalksUp® device, specially programmed for your personal problem. For more information, click here.

From the very first session I noticed a real change in the way I put my voice. Before, it would "go off the rails" whenever I was a little stressed: with people outside my immediate environment, and especially when there were many people around. Today, my voice has settled down. I feel confident to speak in public, which I would never have imagined... especially at 55.

Valérie L. - Nyon (received on 22.3.2017)

Want to get started?

Simply contact the 022 519 00 11 for a first free appointment, we will evaluate your request together and we'll establish a custom protocol to help you achieve your goal. The treatment is done at home, at a rate of two hours per day of listening for 13 days.

Individual coaching

In addition to the Tomatis method, you can take individual coaching sessions with Julien FRÈRE. You will learn to structure your speech, to express yourself naturally, to work your elocution and to pose your voice.