How are the results evaluated?

how are the results evaluated ?

The audio-psycho-phonological assessment

The initial evaluation that serves as a benchmark for monitoring progress throughout the treatment. This assessment is typically conducted before the first listening session and repeated after each session, as well as after the completion of the treatment. This test provides valuable information about the individual's listening abilities and allows the treatment to be tailored accordingly.

Read the full article about the audio-psycho-phonological assessment

What if my child can't take a listening test?

In some cases, such as with very young children or individuals with certain conditions, taking the listening test may not be feasible. In these situations, the center will rely on a thorough history and observations provided by the child and parents to evaluate progress. This initial history is then compared to subsequent assessments to track progress over time.

From a neuroscience perspective

The auditory cortex, a region of the brain responsible for the processing of sound, plays a crucial role in the listening process. The results of the audio-psycho-phonological assessment can provide insight into the functioning of the auditory cortex and the neural pathways involved in sound perception. This information can be used to identify any potential issues and target them during treatment, thus allowing the individual to improve their listening abilities.