Can the Tomatis® method be combined with other therapies?

Can the Tomatis® method be combined with other therapies?

Tomatis, what synergies?

The Tomatis method can be effective when combined with other approaches, depending on the specific issue being addressed and the desired outcome.

The Tomatis Geneva center offers a variety of in-house resources that can be used in conjunction with the method. These resources include various complementary approaches that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. It's important to note that each Tomatis center is unique and may not offer the same types of synergies.

We also have a list of external stakeholders that we can refer you to.

Here are our combination recommendations

Language learning

To be combined with an immersion in the country concerned, and/or a conversation course with a native speaker. We collaborate with language teachers, and keep a list at your disposal.


To be combined with a singing course and/or singing practice at home, in a choir, or in a duo. We collaborate with singing teachers and keep a list at your disposal.

Attention disorder

Attention deficit with or without hyperactivity. To be combined with the Giger MD therapy.

Hypersensitivity to noise

Hyperacusis or misophonia, to be combined with relaxation techniques, EMDR brief therapy, laser phototherapy sessions and neuro-vegetative regulation. Our Tomatis consultant is trained in mindfulness relaxation techniques which he can teach you, as well as EMDR brief therapy. The laser phototherapy sessions and neuro-vegetative regulation are done on site at the center, or at home.

Affective and emotional disorders

Depression, anxiety, fears and phobias. To be combined with relaxation techniques, EMDR brief therapy, laser phototherapy sessions and neuro-vegetative regulation.

Psychomotor disorders

To be complemented by Giger MD therapy.

Stress and anxiety management

To be combined with relaxation techniques, EMDR brief therapy, laser phototherapy sessions and neuro-vegetative regulation.

Developmental disorders

Autism, Asperger's syndrome, autistic spectrum, developmental delays. To be combined with psychomotricity sessions and an adapted diet such as GAPS.

Public Speaking

To be combined with individual practical courses or in immersion (theatre courses). Our consultant is trained to teach public speaking, and gives one-on-one lessons.

Learning and language problems

Dyslexia, dysphasia, dyscalculia, dysorthographia, ... To be combined with sessions of logopedics / speech therapy, orthoptics, and Giger MD therapy.

Hard of hearing and hearing aids

To be combined with laser phototherapy and a hearing aid adjusted according to our instructions, if necessary. We collaborate with an audiologist.


To be combined with haptonomy. Our nutritionist is trained in the field and will be happy to provide you with information.

Vestibular sensitivity and dizziness

To be combined with relaxation techniques, EMDR brief therapy, laser phototherapy sessions, neuro-vegetative regulation and vestibular rehabilitation.


Whether as a main method or as an accompaniment, the Tomatis procedure acts as an accelerator and increases the chances of success of the therapy.